Thursday, January 31, 2013

Vudu brings disc-to-digital UltraViolet conversions home to beta users

Vudu brings disctodigital UltraViolet conversions home to beta users

As promised, Vudu has taken the trip to Wally World out of the process used to watch your discs via UltraViolet streaming apps and sites -- the legit way. Just like the in-store process, DVDs or Blu-rays can be leveraged to buy digital versions of the movie anywhere UltraViolet movies are available. Going from a DVD to an standard definition copy will run you $2, while upgrading to HD is $5 -- Blu-ray to HD is also $2 -- which is the exact same pricing as the in-store offering. Those who want to convert a few titles, and are lucky enough to get invited to the beta, can download the Windows-only application to a computer that has the required optical disc drive. Mac support is promised soon, but with the limited number of Macs with Blu-ray drives, we'd suspect that version will only work with DVDs.

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Economic jitters compete with Obama agenda

FILE - In this Jan. 29, 2013 file photo, President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks in Las Vegas. Just as President Barack Obama is pushing new initiatives on gun control and immigration, the gloomy old problem of a sluggish economy is shoving its way back into prominence. That could imperil his focus on other issues, just as he is shaping a second-term agenda. (AP Photo/Isaac Brekken, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 29, 2013 file photo, President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks in Las Vegas. Just as President Barack Obama is pushing new initiatives on gun control and immigration, the gloomy old problem of a sluggish economy is shoving its way back into prominence. That could imperil his focus on other issues, just as he is shaping a second-term agenda. (AP Photo/Isaac Brekken, File)

(AP) ? Just as President Barack Obama is pushing new initiatives on gun control and immigration, the gloomy old problem of a sluggish economy is elbowing its way back into prominence. Consumer confidence is falling, the economy is contracting and large automatic spending cuts are threatening to hit the Pentagon and other programs, with uncertain consequences.

These troubles arise as Obama's public approval is improving and as he begins to use his sway to promote the key features of his second-term agenda. The White House, the Federal Reserve and independent economists attributed the shrinkage in gross domestic product and the drop in consumer confidence to one-time events and said underlying economic factors were still showing encouraging signs.

But in politics, power resides in the moment. Any immediate economic setback ? or the perception of one ? could weaken Obama's clout or at least distract him as he carefully tries to put his imprint on initiatives dealing with immigration and gun violence.

At the White House, there was no evidence of a course alteration. And White House officials expressed confidence in consumption and investment trends that showed evidence of strength.

But the Commerce Department announcement Wednesday that the economy shrank at an annual rate of 0.1 percent came a day after the Conference Board reported a sharp decline in consumer confidence in January. That drop, together with one in December, erased consumer confidence that had built up in 2012.

What's more, the new data comes just two days before the government releases the January unemployment report, which economists believe will stay at the still-high rate of 7.8 percent, where it has held for two months.

"What's most critical to consumer confidence is employment," said Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators at the Conference Board. "We've had spurts where we've had strong job growth and we've seen a rebound in confidence, and then suddenly you have a pullback in employment and you get a pullback in confidence. So we need a convincing story, and that's going to take several months of jobs growth."

Analysts said the economy is still on track to grow steadily if modestly at a roughly 2 percent pace, as long as the housing and auto industries continue to recover.

The Commerce Department attributed the economic contraction mainly to companies restocking at a slower rate and to reductions in government spending on defense. While companies will ultimately have to rebuild their inventories, the cuts in defense spending could offer a hint of things to come.

The administration argued that the 22 percent reduction in defense spending was partly in anticipation of automatic spending cuts that were going to take effect at the beginning of the year. Obama and congressional Republicans averted that so-called fiscal cliff by extending Bush-era tax rates to all but the wealthiest Americans.

But the deal simply delayed the automatic cuts until March 1. At that point, the Pentagon faces across-the-board cuts of 7 percent, while domestic programs will have to shrink by 5 percent. Some analysts believe that if those cuts are allowed to occur, as some Republicans are now suggesting, the economy could lose a half a percentage point of growth.

Some in the business community hope the experience in the last quarter will alert lawmakers to the potential economic damage the automatic cuts could create.

"I don't think any time you see a reduction in economic growth that it's good news," White House press secretary Jay Carney conceded Wednesday.

But he cautioned, "We need to make sure that in Washington we are not taking actions that undercut that progress that we have been making and can continue to make and will continue to make."

Carney said letting the automatic cuts take effect is a "sort of political brinksmanship of the kind that results in one primary victim, and that's American taxpayers, the American middle class."

Still, the White House insists the only alternative to those cuts is a mix of savings and new tax revenue. Republicans say the $600 billion in revenue they already gave Obama as part of the New Year's fiscal cliff deal is enough. They insist that if he wants different spending cuts than those due to start on March 1, he should submit a new plan.

But the White House has been eager to move away from fiscal and budget fights, ready to use the president's re-election and the uptick in his popularity to push his noneconomic agenda.

On Tuesday, he traveled to Las Vegas to push for an overhaul in immigration. On Monday, he is traveling to Minneapolis to promote his proposals to reduce gun violence.

The issues are not simple ones for Obama. The economy and the nation's debt still rank higher than immigration and guns as issues in the mind of the public. Moreover, Obama has to navigate gingerly with Congress on immigration, where a fragile coalition of Democrats and Republicans is assembling legislation that, among other things, could provide a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.

Obama has vowed to use his bully pulpit to build public support for his new agenda. Defending his economic stewardship was not supposed to be part of the playbook.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Local nurse travels from Italy to India on a Vespa

Vespas are as much a part of Italian culture as spaghetti and general elections.

So when Lindsay Doig?s Italian boyfriend Paolo Zambon suggested an epic journey from Italy to India and perhaps beyond on his little black motor scooter, she took it in stride.

Since Doig, a registered nurse from New Westminster, met Zambon, a web programmer, while traveling in Laos two years ago, they?d shared many adventures, including an ill-fated plan to rendezvous in Mali that came to an abrupt halt when Zambon crashed his scooter in Mauritania.

Zambon was undaunted. During his truncated 5,000-km trip, he loved the smiles he saw on people?s faces as he zipped by. He loved the slower pace that allowed for spontaneous exploration but without the grueling physical effort of pedaling a bicycle.

Doig and Zambon?s joint journey took months of planning. They had to arrange for documentation that would allow them to ride their scooter across various international borders. They had to acquire visas for countries they?d cross, like Iran and Pakistan. They had to devise a wardrobe that would get them through all kinds of weather, but was compact enough to stuff into bags strapped to the front and tail of their Vespa. And they had to get durable tires that would withstand the rigours of the long road, over all kinds of pavement from smooth highway to potholed backroad to rock-strewn dirt path.

They embarked on Sept. 15, leaving Zambon?s hometown of Budoia for Venice at 6 a.m. They sailed on a ferry to Igoumenitsa, Greece, then on through Turkey and Iran, traveling from 150-220 km a day.

Everywhere they went, the Vespa seemed to act as an ambassador.

?Most people seemed quite amused by the Vespa,? says Doig in an email interview. ?They either laugh and think it is strange, or say what a great idea. (Some) say it is ridiculous and offer to help us find a bigger bike.?

The couple says while they were prepared for a difficult passage through Iran, it was anything but.

?So far we say 100 per cent it has been the highlight,? says Doig.

Pakistan was another story, though.

The country?s tense political situation and the ongoing effort by other countries to root out terrorists hiding out there meant westerners aren?t particularly welcomed with open arms. Crossing the border took so long, Doig and Zambon ended up bunking down for the night in an office in the customs house. The next morning, their paperwork in order, they were teamed with a police escort traveling in the car of a Swiss couple.

Checkpoints and police escorts marked their entire journey across Pakistan. Some nights they even slept in police stations because it was safer than taking their chances in the towns.

?The city has a strange atmosphere,? writes Zambon in his online diary of their stop in Jacobabad. ?A bit intense keeping in mind its Taliban connections.?

?We never felt in danger there,? says Doig of their 17-day traverse of Pakistan. ?Our interaction with people was quite limited.?

They crossed the border into India on Dec. 16 and have been exploring that country on their Vespa ever since. Following a local who guided them through back alleys to a hotel in Agra, they even managed to breach the 500-metre security zone around the Taj Mahal.

So far they?ve accumulated more than 13,000 kilometres on their scooter.

If their money, and the Vespa?s tires hold out, they?re hoping to extend their journey to Melbourne, Australia.


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Jamie Dupree's Washington Insider: Senators unveil immigration reform framework

With support from the White House, a bipartisan group of eight Senators unveiled a broad immigration reform plan on Capitol Hill today, arguing it provides the chance for a deal between the two parties on this controversial issue.

"This bipartisan blueprint is a major breakthrough," said Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY).

"What we have now is not a 21st century legal immigration system," said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who made clear that the plan would only offer a path to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants already here after the U.S. immigration system has been improved at the border, in terms of job enforcement, and in the U.S. visa entry and exit system.

"I think today's an important first step, in what's going to be a significantly complicated journey," Rubio added at a packed news conference in the Capitol.

What follows is the five page framework released by this group of Senators. ?Give it a read and leave your comments below.

Bipartisan Framework for Comprehensive Immigration Reform -?Senators Schumer, McCain, Durbin, Graham, Menendez, Rubio, Bennet, and Flake


We recognize that our immigration system is broken.? And while border security has improved significantly over? the last two Administrations, we still don?t have a functioning immigration system. This has created a situation where up to 11 million undocumented immigrants are living in the shadows.? Our legislation acknowledges these realities by finally committing the resources needed to secure the? border, modernize and streamline our current legal immigration system, while creating a tough but fair legalization program for individuals who are currently here. We will ensure that this is a successful permanent reform to our immigration system that will not need to be revisited.

Four Basic Legislative Pillars:

o Create a tough but fair path to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants currently living in the United States that is? contingent upon securing our borders and tracking whether legal immigrants have left the country when required;

o Reform our legal immigration system to? better? recognize the importance of characteristics that will help build the American? economy and strengthen American families;

o Create an effective employment verification system that will prevent identity theft and end the hiring of future unauthorized workers; and,

o Establish an improved process for admitting future workers to serve our nation?s workforce needs, while simultaneously protecting all workers.

I. Creating a Path to Citizenship for Unauthorized Immigrants Already Here that is Contingent Upon Securing the Border and Combating Visa Overstays

? Our legislation will provide a tough, fair, and practical roadmap? to address the status of unauthorized immigrants in the United States that is contingent upon our success in securing our borders and addressing visa overstays.

? To fulfill the basic governmental function of securing our borders, we will continue the increased efforts? of? the Border Patrol? by providing them? with the latest technology, infrastructure, and personnel needed to prevent, detect, and apprehend every? unauthorized entrant.

? Additionally, our legislation will increase the number of unmanned aerial vehicles and surveillance equipment, improve radio interoperability and increase the number of agents at and between ports of entry.? The purpose is to substantially lower the number of successful illegal border crossings while continuing to facilitate commerce.??

? We will strengthen prohibitions against racial profiling and inappropriate use of force, enhance the training of border patrol agents, increase oversight, and create a mechanism to ensure a meaningful opportunity for border communities to share input, including critiques.

? Our legislation will require the completion of an entry-exit system that tracks whether all persons entering the United States on temporary visas via airports and seaports have left the country as required by law.

? We recognize that Americans living along the Southwest border are key to recognizing and understanding when the border is truly secure.?? Our legislation? will create a commission comprised of? governors, attorneys general, and community leaders living along the Southwest border to monitor the progress? of securing our border? and? to? make a recommendation regarding when the bill?s security measures outlined in the legislation are completed.

? While these security measures are being put into place, we will simultaneously require those who came? or remained? in the United States? without our permission to register with the government.?? This will include passing a background check and settling their debt to society by paying a fine and back taxes, in order to earn probationary legal status, which will allow them to live and work legally in the United States.? Individuals with a serious criminal background or others who pose a threat to our national security will be ineligible for legal status? and subject to deportation.? Illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes face immediate deportation.

? We will demonstrate our commitment to securing our borders and combating visa overstays by requiring? our proposed enforcement measures? be complete? before? any immigrant on probationary status can earn a green card

? Current restrictions preventing non-immigrants from accessing federal public benefits will also apply to lawful probationary immigrants.

? Once the enforcement measures have been completed, individuals with probationary legal status will? be required to go to the back of the line of prospective immigrants, pass an additional background check, pay taxes, learn English and? civics, demonstrate a history of work in the United States, and? current employment, among other requirements, in order to earn the opportunity to apply for lawful permanent residency.? Those individuals who successfully complete these requirements can eventually earn a green card.

? Individuals who are present without lawful status? - not including people within the two categories identified below - will only receive a green card after every individual who is already waiting in line for a green card, at the time this legislation is enacted, has received their green card. Our purpose is to ensure that no one who has violated America?s immigration laws will receive preferential treatment as they relate to those individuals who have complied with the law.

? Our legislation also recognizes that the circumstances and? the? conduct of? people without lawful status are not the same, and cannot be addressed identically.?

o For instance, individuals who entered the United States as minor children did not knowingly choose to violate any immigration laws.? Consequently,? under our proposal? these individuals will not face the same requirements as other individuals in order to earn a path to citizenship.

o Similarly, individuals who have been working without legal status in the United States agricultural industry have been performing very important and difficult work to maintain America?s food supply while earning subsistence wages.?? Due to the utmost importance in our nation maintaining the safety of its food supply, agricultural workers who commit to the long term stability of our nation?s agricultural industries will be treated differently than the rest of the undocumented population because of the role they play in ensuring that Americans have safe and secure agricultural products to sell and consume. These individuals will? earn a path to citizenship through a different process under ournew agricultural worker program.

II. Improving our Legal Immigration System and Attracting the World?s Best and Brightest

? The development of? a rational legal immigration system is essential to ensuring America?s future economic prosperity.? Our failure to act is perpetuating a broken system which sadly discourages the world?s best and brightest? citizens? from coming? to the United States? and remaining in our country to contribute to our economy.? This failure makes a legal path to entry in the United States insurmountably difficult for well-meaning immigrants.? This unarguably discourages innovation and economic growth.?? It has also created substantial visa backlogs which force families to live apart, which incentivizes illegal immigration.

? Our? new immigration system? must ?be more focused on? recognizing the important characteristics? which will help build the American economy and strengthen American families.??? Additionally, we must reduce backlogs in the family and employment visa categories so that future immigrants view our future legal immigration system as the exclusive means for entry into the United States.

? The United States must do a better job of attracting? and keeping? the world?s best and brightest.? As such,? our immigration? proposal will award a green card to immigrants who have received a PhD or Master?s degree in science, technology, engineering, or math from an American university.? It makes no sense to educate the world?s future innovators and entrepreneurs only to ultimately force them to leave our country at the moment they are most able to contribute to our economy.???

III. Strong Employment Verification

? We recognize that undocumented immigrants come to the United States almost exclusively for jobs.? As such, dramatically reducing future illegal immigration can only be achieved by developing a tough, fair, effective? and mandatory? employment verification system.? An employment verification system must hold employers accountable for knowingly hiring undocumented workers and make it more difficult for? unauthorized immigrants to falsify documents to obtain employment.? Employers who knowingly hire unauthorized workers must face stiff fines and criminal penalties for egregious offenses.

? We believe? the federal government must provide U.S. employers with a fast and reliable method to confirm whether new hires are legally authorized to work in the United States. This is essential to ensure the effective enforcement of immigration laws.

? Our proposal will create an effective employment verification system which prevents identity theft and ends the hiring of future unauthorized workers.? We believe requiring prospective workers? to? demonstrate both legal status and identity, through non-forgeable electronic means prior to obtaining employment, is essential to an employee verification system; and,

? The employee verification system in our proposal will be crafted with procedural safeguards to protect American workers, prevent identity theft, and provide due process protections.

IV. Admitting New Workers and Protecting Workers? Rights

? The overwhelming majority of the 327,000 illegal entrants apprehended by CBP in FY2011 were seeking employment in the United States.? We recognize that to prevent future waves of illegal immigration a humane and effective system needs to be created for these immigrant workers to enter the country and find employment without seeking the aid of human traffickers or drug cartels.

? Our proposal will provide businesses with the ability to hire lower-skilled workers in a timely manner when Americans are unavailable or unwilling to fill those jobs.?

? Our legislation would:

o Allow employers to hire immigrants if? it can? be demonstrated that? they were unsuccessful in recruiting an American to fill an open position and the hiring of an immigrant will not displace American workers;

o Create a workable program to meet the needs of America?s agricultural industry, including dairy to find agricultural workers when American workers are not available to fill open positions;

o Allow more lower-skilled immigrants to come here when our economy is creating jobs, and fewer when our economy is not creating jobs;

o Protect workers by ensuring strong labor protections; and,

o Permit workers who have succeeded in the workplace and? contributed to their communities over many years to earn green cards.




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EU's Ashton tells Iran to stop execution of activists

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton called on Iran on Tuesday to halt the execution of five members of the country's Arab minority.

Ashton, who is in charge of negotiations between six world powers and Iran over Tehran's disputed nuclear program, said she was concerned about reports the five men had not received a fair trial and had been forced to confess.

"Reports that the executions of these men are imminent are very worrying, and I urge the Iranian authorities to commute the sentences," she said in a statement.

London-based Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, which is based in New York, said last week that the men had been sentenced last year on terrorism-related charges because of their links to a banned cultural institute that promoted their Arab heritage. Their death sentences were upheld earlier this month.

The European Union is an active opponent of the death penalty worldwide, but has been especially critical of Iran's human rights record.

In 2011, the 27-member bloc enacted sanctions against Iranian officials it said were responsible for human rights violations.

(Reporting by Ethan Bilby; Editing by Rex Merrifield/Catherine Evans)


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Some questions from a senior high school student - Actuarial Outpost

Hey guys, I am in my final year of high school currently living in Ontario, Canada. I'm trying to decide what career to pursue and actuarial science seems like a strong choice. I just have a few questions before I dedicate the rest of my life to it, so here goes:

1. Why is the salary information that dw simpson posts so different than the salary information that I see elsewhere? For example, when I look at lists of good jobs in the US it lists actuaries as having something like 80k median salary, but that doesn't seem to agree with the information posted on the dw simpson salary. The only explanation that I can think of is that the 80k doesn't include bonus whereas dw simpson does, as well as the fact that a number of actuaries never make fellowship, but is there anything else that could cause this discrepancy. I only ask this because it seems mind blowing that such a job exists that you can make mid 100s when you're 30 and work about 40 hours a week (and have it be a job that essentially no one has heard of). It just seems too good to be true.

2. How much math is involved in this profession? I am a math geek and consider it essential that a job I do consists of using a fair bit of math. I've heard that P/C maybe involves more math that other disciplines. Furthermore, I've heard that you use less and less math the further you advance in your career. Are both these things true? When compared to being a professor or engineer (two other jobs I am considering) is the amount of math used comparable? Are there an other jobs that I should consider as a math geek?

3. How much of a difference is there in the actuarial science programs of different universities. I've applied to Western, Waterloo, and U of T. I've heard that Waterloo has the best act sci program, but by how much? And why, specifically? Like, is it worth turning down thousands of dollars of scholarship from Western, for example, to go to Waterloo? If I wanted to go work in the States after graduation, is there a university of those three that's good in that respect?

Thanks in advance.


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What to do when you lose a big client | TechRepublic

January 28, 2013, 4:54 AM PST

Takeaway: If you have one or two big consulting contracts, here are five things to keep in mind when you eventually lose their business.

If you?re in the consulting business for any length of time, you?ll experience the vicissitudes of the feast or famine phenomenon. As you go through its ups and downs, sooner or later one of those downs will take you by surprise. When a large contract suddenly goes away or gets drastically reduced, you might find it hard to pay the bills. You could even begin to wonder whether you can make it as a consultant after all. Here are some things to remember.

Don?t panic

If you don?t have other prospects already lined up, you could find this situation rather frightening. You might want to jump at the first thing that comes along, or even leave consulting for the supposed security of a salaried position. You might think about drastically slashing your rates in order to quickly attract new business. Keep your head cool and think about what?s best for your business. You don?t want to find yourself a year from now slaving on low-paying projects that keep you too busy to find anything better. The skills that got you the client you just lost will help you find others.

Don?t blame yourself

This event can easily become the entrance theme for a magnum performance by the Impostor Syndrome. Some of his best lines include:

  • If you were for real, you would have kept that client.
  • They dropped you because they finally saw through you.
  • You allowed your skills to stagnate, so now you won?t be able to find new work.
  • It?s time you quit pretending to know what you?re doing.

Those are all BS. The truth is that nobody knows everything about their job, especially in IT. We?re all learning all the time, just to do our jobs. We can?t keep up with everything in the field, so there will always be some domain of knowledge about which we think, ?I should have already learned about that.? Even though that may be true, beating yourself up about it isn?t going to help. It will only paralyze you.

Analyze your mistakes

Without blaming yourself, think about whether there were things you might have done differently to keep the client. Then ask yourself whether that is likely to apply to other clients as well. We can all stand to improve ourselves in one way or another. We may need to learn new skills, or work on our interpersonal communications. Did you fail to remove some false dilemma that made the client think that they either had to let you go or suffer some worse consequence? Did you miss or ignore any warning signs that this was about to happen? It?s always good to examine ourselves for the cause of our difficulties, but don?t forget that sometimes circumstances have nothing to do with anything we did or could have done.

Find new work

Even though you may feel compelled to work extra hard for your remaining clients, you probably need to set aside some time to deliberately seek new business. If you try to make up your losses on your existing clients, you may overburden their budgets and create problems in those relationships. When looking for new work, keep a cool head. Desperation doesn?t sell. Stick to your proven methods of finding work, or innovate thoughtfully ? but don?t grasp at straws.

Prepare for the next time

These downtimes are never fun. Wouldn?t it be nice if you could ride through them more comfortably? There are at least two things that you should do. First, set aside some money on a regular basis in a fund specifically designated for getting through these rainy days. Second, keep your client base diverse. If each client is only a small fraction of your business, then losing one or even two at the same time becomes a speed bump instead of a ?bridge out ahead!?


A dozen years ago I lost a client who had been with me for ten years, and who at the time accounted for almost 50% of my business. I didn?t recover quickly. It took years to build my revenue again by piecing together smaller contracts. I had become too comfortable with that regular chunk of income every month.

How about you? Do you have one or two big contracts that are making you complacent? What could you do to soften the blow when they eventually go away?

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Changes needed to save resources

Governments need to spark a lightweight revolution in the way things are made so the world can keep up with the demand for resources, say scientists.

They say homes will have to be built with less cement; cars with less steel; and gadgets with less plastic.

And it will need to be done in a way that radically cuts emissions from producing the materials, they add.

These are among the conclusions presented in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.

Several papers in the journal tackle the dual problem created by the increased demand for goods as people grow richer and population increase, coupled with the threat of climate change.

One paper warns that unless demand for materials from UK primary industry is reduced, Britain will need the equivalent of a four-fold increase in nuclear power or a 40-fold increase in wind power to meet its target of a 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 from pre-industrial levels.

The paper, by UK government chief energy scientist Prof David MacKay, says readers can draw their own conclusions as to whether it is feasible to generate this amount of clean energy.

'Little incentive'

Another author, Julian Allwood, from Cambridge University, has been studying the five most energy-intensive sectors: steel, aluminium, cement, plastics and paper.

He says these already use energy more efficiently than other sectors because their energy costs are high - so there is a finite amount they can improve.

The answer is for society to demand less of the materials in the first place, he says.

?We can use much less cement in buildings than we do at the moment,? he told BBC News.

?The thing is that it takes more time to design buildings with less cement, and it takes more effort for builders. Labour is expensive and cement ? relatively ? is cheap, so there?s little incentive to change."

Dr Allwood added that the same thing could be said of car manufacturing.

?Engineers are constantly improving engine efficiency but these improvements are being swallowed up because people want to drive bigger cars with more acceleration.

"That is something that governments could do something about if they wanted to.?

One idea would be to set standards so cars could not accelerate so fast, or that the mass of cars didn't increase.

One tenth of the world?s carbon emissions are produced by the steel industry.

Dr Allwood says that in order to meet CO2 targets, demand for new steel in the UK alone must be reduced to 30% of current levels.

The trick, he says, is to harness material efficiency so people can enjoy goods that are equivalent or almost equivalent.

A paper by Walter Stahel at the Product-Life Institute, Geneva, calls for "sustainable taxation" on resource-hungry goods to help the shift towards a "circular" economy where goods are-used and recycled.

He says this will create regional jobs, increase resource security, reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, increase material efficiency and prevent carbon emissions and industrial waste - all on a big scale.

Several papers have recently warned of the coming resource crunch. The UK independent think tank Chatham House said economies would be increasingly disrupted by often faraway disruptions in supply chains, and a report for the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries warned that some pensions might be wiped out by shortages of resources, water and energy.

The papers also examine the use of energy and emissions from heavy industry.

The studies warn that even if radical solutions are found to reduce emissions from this sector, governments will still need to tackle housing and transport if they are to make the cuts deemed necessary by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to have a good chance of staving off serious climate change.

Follow Roger on Twitter.


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Monkeys in Space: A Brief Spaceflight History

If Iran has indeed launched a monkey to space, the nation is following a path similar to that taken by the United States in the early days of its space program.

Iran announced today (Jan. 28) that it had successfully launched a live monkey on a spaceflight and recovered the animal alive after landing. The move is a prelude to sending humans into space, which the Islamic Republic hopes to do by 2020, Iranian Space Agency officials said.

Iran and the United States don't see eye-to-eye on many issues, but both have viewed monkeys as good astronaut test subjects over the years. The U.S. was the first country ever to launch a primate, sending a rhesus monkey named Albert to a sub-space altitude of 39 miles (63 kilometers) aboard a V2 rocket in June 1948.

Very little was known about the physiological effects of spaceflight back in those days, with some scientists postulating that astronauts' cardiovascular systems would fail in the microgravity environment, causing near-instant death. So researchers wanted to blast some relatively large animals into space to see how they fared. [Giant Leaps: Top Milestones of Human Spaceflight]

Albert died of suffocation during his flight, and a number of his simian brethren also sacrificed their lives to the cause in the ensuing years.

Another rhesus monkey named Albert II, for example, became the first primate to reach space, achieving an altitude of 83 miles (134 km) aboard another V2 in June 1949. He survived the launch but died after a parachute failure caused his capsule to slam hard into the ground.

Alberts III and IV died during their missions in late 1949, and Albert V was victimized by another parachute failure in 1951. Albert VI, also known as Yorick, survived his 1951 flight, though it topped out at an altitude of just 45 miles (72 km) ? significantly below the generally accepted 62-mile (100 km) boundary demarcating outer space.

Yorick died several hours after landing, possibly from heat stress suffered as he sat inside his cramped capsule in the New Mexico sun, waiting for the recovery crew.

The United States recorded a milestone in May 1959, finally recovering two primates alive after a spaceflight. A rhesus monkey named Able and a squirrel monkey named Baker reached an altitude of 300 miles (483 km) aboard a Jupiter rocket and were retrieved unharmed. (Sadly, Able died several days later during an operation to remove an electrode from under her skin.)

As the American human spaceflight program began to build momentum, the nation started experimenting with chimpanzees, which are larger and more closely related to humans than are rhesus, squirrel or other monkeys.

The U.S. launched a chimp named Ham on a suborbital spaceflight on Jan. 31, 1961. Ham reached an altitude of 157 miles (253 km) during a 16.5-minute flight and was recovered unharmed, though a bit dehydrated. With this success in hand, Alan Shepard successfully blasted off on his suborbital flight on May 5, 1961, becoming the first American ? and second human, after the Soviet Union's Yuri Gagarin ? ever to reach space.

A chimp named Enos orbited the Earth on Nov. 29, 1961, paving the way for John Glenn's historic orbital flight of Feb. 20, 1962. (Again, the U.S. was slightly late to the party: Gagarin orbited our planet on his flight of April 12, 1961.)

After it became established that humans could indeed survive the rigors of spaceflight, monkeys and apes faded into the background. The U.S. continued to launch animals for scientific experiments but increasingly concentrated on smaller creatures such as mice and insects, which are easier to care for and take up much less space (although two squirrel monkeys did ride on the space shuttle Challenger's STS-51-B mission in April-May 1985.)

The United States' space race rival, the Soviet Union, primarily used dogs in the run-up to its first human launches, thinking that canines would prove to be less fidgety in flight than monkeys.

The Soviets launched their first dogs to space in 1951. The nation famously succeeded in lofting the first animal ? a dog called Laika ("Barker") ? to orbit aboard the Sputnik 2 spacecraft in November 1957. (Laika died during the flight.)

Despite its canine focus, the Soviet Union and its successor state, Russia did launch a number of rhesus monkeys to space in the 1980s and 1990s, as part of a program called Bion. France also blasted two pig-tailed macaque monkeys to suborbital space in 1967.

Iran's recent launch was not its first attempt to send a monkey into space. A previous orbital effort in 2011 failed.

Follow senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall?or @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook?and?Google+.

Copyright 2013, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Casey Anthony files for bankruptcy in Florida

Casey Anthony filed for bankruptcy in Florida on Friday, claiming about $1,100 in assets and $792,000 in liabilities.

Court records show that Anthony, who was acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in 2011, sought Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in federal court in Tampa.

Her listed debts include $500,000 for attorney fees and costs for her criminal defense lawyer during the trial, Jose Baez; $145,660 for the Orange County Sheriff's office for a judgment covering investigative fees and costs related to the case; $68,540 for the Internal Revenue Service for taxes, interest and penalties; and $61,505 for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for court costs.

The filling also states that she is a defendant in several civil suits, including one brought by Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez for defamation in Orange County Circuit Court.

Fernandez-Gonzalez claims her reputation was damaged by Anthony telling detectives that a baby sitter by the same name kidnapped Caylee. The detectives were investigating the 2008 disappearance of the girl, who later was found dead. Anthony's attorney said details offered by Anthony did not match Fernandez-Gonzalez and clearly showed Anthony wasn't talking about her.


FILE - In this July 7, 2011 file photo, Casey Anthony smiles before the start of her sentencing hearing in Orlando, Fla. Casey Anthony has filed for bankruptcy in Florida, Friday, Jan. 25, 2013, claiming about $1,100 in assets and $792,000 in liabilities. (AP Photo/Joe Burbank, File) Close

Court papers list Anthony as unemployed, with no recent income.

An attorney for Anthony, David Schrader, did not immediately respond to messages from the Associated Press.

Anthony lists about 80 creditors in the 60-page court filing. The claims largely cover fees for legal, medical, psychiatric and forensics consulting or services. But one claim covers a debt for scuba diving services.

According to the courts, the aim of seeking Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection is to be discharged of most existing debts ? essentially to obtain a fresh financial start. A trustee may have the right to take possession of and sell non-exempt property and use the sale proceeds to pay creditors, but Anthony lists little in the way of assets. A debtor may still be held responsible for some obligations, such as taxes and student loans.

The filing came on the same day that a Florida appellate court set aside two of the four convictions she faced for lying to detectives during the investigation into her missing daughter.

Though Anthony was acquitted of killing Caylee, jurors convicted her of four counts of lying to detectives, and her attorneys appealed those convictions. Anthony was sentenced to time served for the misdemeanors.

She was sentenced to a year of probation after her release from jail for an unrelated case. For her protection, her whereabouts have been kept secret since she was released from state supervision last year.


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Garden Care Logo Design Tips and Ideas | Cheap Accounting ...

Getting a business logo designed for your brand-new lawn care or landscaping business can be an important element of starting your business off right with branding strategy.This report examines the significance of having a great logo design in the competitive lawn care and landscaping industry and puts forward some things that you may consider when finding a designed.With landscaping and lawn care, like all organizations, you?re depending on building a good first impression. Many people make choices based on their thoughts and having a logo that interests them may go a considerable ways towards having you advertisement stand out above the others.As a lawn mowing or gardening organization driver you?ll find that you are out on the road for part of the day and parked outside the qualities of your clients for the rest of the day. It pays to have your company marketing on your vehicle as soon as your vehicle has this much public exposure. Having a fantastic logo really can draw interest here, first to the logo and preferably then to your businesses contact details.When discussing logo design with your graphic artist you must first consider the concept that you want to convey through your logo regarding your company?s values and how you separate yourself from the competition.Think about how you want your clients to view your company. So you may want in the future right out with some basic image of blades of grass, well groomed yards, trees, crops or households you don?t want to confuse them. If individuals are in a position to understand what it?s that your organization does as soon as they glance at your emblem It is wonderful. Nevertheless a quick search through some logo style sites shows that some lawn care operators are now actually going for more ?funky? seeking logos with cartoon figures to fit their catchy slogans which means this is definitely an technique that might also perform well.Have a look at what different lawn mowing and landscaping businesses have inked with their logos for suggestions but try to be different at the exact same time.It seems virtually a clichA? in these industries to move with various shades of green in a logo. While greens are the most obvious alternative for colors some ambitious lawn care start-ups are commencing to rock the boat and are developing logos presenting mixtures of other warm, summertime colors such as whites, whites, oranges and browns.A great looking, unforgettable brand must help your lawn service or landscaping organization to expand into a recognizable brand that?ll help you to market your organization as well as ultimately enable you to get reasonably limited price.

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Blackhawks tie franchise-best start with 3-2 win

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) ? This was supposed to be the weekend for the NHL All-Star Game at Nationwide Arena.

Instead, the Chicago Blackhawks flaunted their own constellation of stars.

Patrick Kane had yet another multipoint game with two assists, Jonathan Toews scored the game-winner early in the third period and Corey Crawford had 24 saves to help Chicago match the best start in franchise history with a 3-2 victory Saturday night over the Columbus Blue Jackets.

The only other time the Blackhawks began a season 5-0-0 was 1971-72.

"That was one of those games where maybe we didn't play our best hockey like we've seen in the last five games, but as a team it doesn't matter who goes out there you've got to find a way to win," Toews said. "And we did that."

Crawford, who won for the fourth time this season, was solid all night but particularly when the Blackhawks were a man down. They killed all five penalties.

"I feel good, I feel focused," Crawford said. "The puck looks pretty big right now. Also, everyone's making the effort to play defense. It's showing in the first bunch of games ? guys are coming back to help out and that helps us get to offense after that."

Badly outplayed at the outset, the Blackhawks played methodical, poised and unhurried hockey all night. Even when down 1-0, it seemed only a matter of time before they collected themselves and took control.

"Finding ways to win is important," coach Joel Quenneville said. "You're not going to be great every night or your best every night. Columbus played a hard-working game, working harder than us tonight. But we got key saves from (Crawford) tonight and that helped us."

The All-Star Game, of course, was cancelled by the 119-day lockout that reduced the season to 48 games for each team over 99 days.

Steve Mason held his own with 21 saves for the Blue Jackets, who lost their third in a row. A goal by Derick Brassard was waved off in the second period when the officials ruled Nick Foligno interfered with Crawford. That decision caused a sellout crowd of 18,381 to boo throughout the game.

"You never know how a game's going to end up," Blue Jackets coach Todd Richards said. "(The goal being disallowed) certainly changed the course of the game. At the time, we were down 2-1. It's a huge play. He (referee Dan O'Rourke) makes the call, he saw what he saw. There's nothing we can do once he makes the call."

On the power play after Jamal Mayers went to the penalty box for unsportsmanlike conduct, Brassard's slap shot from the point beat Crawford. But O'Rourke immediately waved off the goal. Replays showed Foligno's right skate was in the crease, although there was no apparent contact between him and Crawford.

Between periods, Foligno said O'Rourke told him that the goal was disallowed because "I had bumped (Crawford) and didn't give him time to reset."

The crowd booed lustily at every opportunity the rest of the night.

Quenneville said later that replays showed clearly that it should have been a tying goal.

Mark Letestu gave Columbus a 1-0 lead and Artem Anisimov scored late to make it interesting for the Blue Jackets, who have been outscored 12-3 in their losing skid.

Toews, off of Kane's second assist of the night, put the Blackhawks up two goals 6:35 into the third after a turnover in the Chicago zone. Letestu's pass was deflected by Marian Hossa with Kane retrieving it. He fired a blind, quick pass to Toews who was all alone behind the defense. Toews faked left, then right, before flipping the puck past Mason for his third of the year and a 3-1 lead.

Anisimov backhanded in Brandon Dubinsky's wraparound attempt with 2:19 left in regulation, but the Blue Jackets could not get the equalizer.

Kane now has more than one point in four of the five Chicago games and has two goals and seven assists.

"You can tell he's good ol' Kaner," Toews said. "He's going to work hard and make plays."

The Blue Jackets could only think about the goal that didn't count.

"Overall everybody worked hard," Mason said. "It's unfortunate. I'm not sure what the call was on that second goal for us but the guys kept working and we just came up a little short."

NOTES: Chicago won all six meetings against the Blue Jackets last season and is now 20-12-4 all-time at Nationwide Arena. ... The Blackhawks improved to 4-0-0 on the road this season. ... The Blue Jackets were without RW Cam Atkinson, who suffered a lower-body injury in camp. He may be out at least a week. ... Hossa has 35 points (17 goals, 18 assists) in 29 career games against Columbus while Kane has 34 points (12 goals, 22 assists) and Toews 33 (14 goals, 20 assists) in 31 games against the Blue Jackets.


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Old-Fashioned Motherhood: From the Comments: Frustration in ...

Dear friends,

This morning, I checked my e-mail inbox to find that I had a new comment on an older post of mine called "The Incredible Shrinking Family". I could feel the pain of the writer so clearly in her words, and I wanted to reach out to her. Who of us have not been frustrated, tired, and just plain worn-out?

Here's what she wrote:

Hi! I came across your blog today and loved reading this post. I agree with everything you have to say ... in principle. But in practice I find this very difficult. I want to love children and love being a mother, but I just don't!
I have two darling little girls who I love, but I don't love being a mother. Pregnancy was miserable, the sleep deprivation of newborns was horrendous and the tantrums and potty training of toddlers has been torture! Like you say, it takes sacrifice, but I sometimes feel like it is just too much for me. I long for a life outside of my children, for some part of me to be left-over at the end of the day for my husband, for something besides diapers and disciplining and dishes!
So yes, children are important and families are vital and I believe in the LDS doctrine of the family ... but I just can't have more children. I feel it would be disastrous for me, for my marriage and for the children we already have. So I guess what I'm saying is that I totally get why some women do not want to have children or do not want to have a lot of children. I understand what they are feeling!
I would have never guessed that I would be saying this. As a young LDS teen, I yearned for a large family. But now, when reality has set in, I am just not enjoying it at all! I feel like overall I have a good attitude around my children and love them, do all of the good stay-at-home-mom things, but deep-down, I am miserable. Any advice?

I know that often people may think that my posts are so idealistic that I must never have bad days or frustrations, or a bad attitude. I'm sorry if this is a disappoinment, ladies, but I have had those days when I want to throw in the towel. I have moments where I hold my head in my hands and think "What have I done?!"


But those days don't last forever (Thank goodness!) and with the Lord's help we can do the difficult and succeed-- and have joy! (I promise!!!)

Here was my response to her, and to all moms who have those times and seasons where they feel they can't take another step, change another diaper, or wash one more dish:

I am so sorry that you are so overwhelmed and discouraged. Boy, have I been there! But there really is hope and peace on the horizon...

First of all, you are deep in the trenches of one of the hardest times of motherhood! I advise you take a deep breath and try to see into your future five, ten or fifteen years from now.

You will NOT always be sleep deprived and mired in the difficulties of trying to be and do everything on your own. Those little ones you have now WILL grow, they will learn to do more for themselves, and they will not always be so demanding.

The time you take now to patiently, lovingly train them will buy you more liberty and breathing room in your not-too-distant future. Is it hard? YES. But from experience, I can tell you, that when you work hard at training those first few little ones, then they become more helpful to you in your duties AND with any other little ones that may be in your future.

Toddler-hood really is the time that ALL moms want to throw in the towle and say "I'm not cut out for this!" You are FAR from being alone in those feelings, I promise!

It is okay to take a break and let your body and your heart heal for a time. But the secret to that and to surviving and moving forward in everything is to PRAY. HARD. Ask for a blessing from your husband, now and then. Pray for peace. For direction. For patience.?

Good grief, I even once had to start praying that I could LOVE my kids!!! LOL! The beauty and blessing was that MY PRAYERS WORKED.

Anything worth doing is difficult-- that's the test of this life. But you don't need to hold your breath as you try to make it through the difficult years. Come up to the surface and breathe deeply in the Father's love, mercy and help.

None of us can succeed at this alone. We need Christ, and He is willing and waiting to take those troubles and burdens from us if we will just give them to Him.

Please don't struggle alone when you don't have to! The Lord loves you and sees every sacrifice and tear and sleepless night.?

Don't worry about having another baby right now. Just work on your relationship with Christ. Then everything else will fall into place.

We can "do all things through Christ." But we should not run faster than we have strength. We NEED to take time to be healed by the Lord. He will give us all we need and then some, helping us to do all things "in wisdom and order."

I know the writer and I would love to hear any other advice from my readers. Do you have more to add?

With love to all my sisters in the motherhood trenches,


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Wife of female Army officer can join spouses club

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) ? A woman who is married to a female Army officer at Fort Bragg and who was recently denied membership in its officers' spouses club said late Friday that she has been invited to become a full member.

Ashley Broadway told the Associated Press that she received the invitation from the club's board in an email Friday.

The invitation came on the same day that Broadway also learned she'd been named Fort Bragg's 2013 "Military Spouse of the Year" by Military Spouse magazine. She is married to Lt. Col. Heather Mack, who gave birth this week to the couple's second child, a baby girl.

"I'm pleased, I'm happy," Broadway said by phone Friday night. "As soon as things calm down with the baby, I want to get involved. I hate that it took so long for them to come to this conclusion. But I think things happen for a reason. I'm a very devout Christian. I've had faith in God this whole time. I think if anything it's brought up a larger issue: We have two classes of service members and how they're... not treated equally."

"Looking back, it's been a blessing in disguise because people are talking... in Washington, this is being talked about," she added.

Last month, Fort Bragg received national attention when Broadway was denied membership in the officers' spouses club at the North Carolina Army post because she does not have a spouse identification badge issued by the military.

Though she and Mack have been together for 15 years, the only pass post officials would provide to Broadway named her as a caregiver to their 2 1/2-year-old son ? the same credential given to nannies.

The club announced it would allow Broadway admittance as a "guest member," but Broadway said anything less than full membership wasn't acceptable.

In an email Friday, a copy of which was provided by Broadway to AP, the board of the Association of Bragg Officers Spouses writes that "in order to immediately support all military Officer spouses who are eligible for ABOS membership a more inclusive definition of spouse is needed. Therefore, any Spouse of an active duty commissioned or warrant Officer with a valid marriage certificate from any state or district in the United States is eligible for ABOS membership."

The email continues, "We would like to offer you to become a full member of ABOS. Our next event is in February, in which we are doing a Murder Mystery event dinner. We welcome both you and LTC Mack to join us."

Broadway said she's looking forward to becoming involved in club activities.

"I'm not one to hold grudges or anything," she said. "I hope to get to know these ladies and we'll go from there ? do activities, so that we can better the lives of people here at Fort Bragg."

The couple's case is an example of how nearly a year and half after President Barack Obama and Congress ended "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," same-sex couples are faced with daily reminders of the conflict inherent in serving openly as gays and lesbians under a government that still refuses to acknowledge their relationships.

Pentagon officials say they are bound by the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which forbids the federal government from recognizing any marriage other than that between a man and a woman.

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of DOMA in June, but advocacy groups say there are numerous steps the Pentagon could take now to treat struggling same-sex military couples more fairly.

Among the steps proposed by such advocacy groups as OutServe-Servicemembers Legal Defense Network and the American Military Partner Association are issuing military IDs to same-sex spouses, ensuring spouses have full access to on-base social programs, and letting same-sex couples qualify for military housing. Pentagon officials say the proposals are under study.

Associated Press


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Reports: Dozens killed in Venezuela prison riot

Dedwinson Alvarez / AFP - Getty Images

Members of the National Guard take shelter during a riot outside Uribana Prison in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela, on Friday. Dozens were killed in a classh at the prison, local media reported.

By Reuters

CARACAS --?A jail riot in southwestern Venezuela killed dozens of people on Friday, local media reported, the latest incident in the ongoing crisis in the South American nation's crowded prisons.

Violence broke out after news of an inspection to confiscate weapons at the Centro Occidental jail, Prisons Minister Iris Varela said in a statement, without providing a death toll.

Local media reports say between 26 and 54 people were killed and dozens wounded.

A prisons ministry source told Reuters that "many" had been killed, including one national guard officer, but declined to offer more details. The source said the ministry would hold a news conference on Saturday with details.

The violence involved both a struggle between rival gangs for control of the jail and a confrontation between inmates and troops called in to calm the situation, Varela said.

Venezuelan prisons are controlled by armed gangs that have rioted repeatedly over the last several years due to disputes with jail authorities or prison leaders.

"Who is going to be blamed for this new massacre in one of our country's jails? Incompetent and irresponsible government," tweeted opposition leader Henrique Capriles.

The South American nation's 34 prisons were designed to hold around a third of the 50,000 inmates now in them, according to local prison advocacy groups. Many of the prisoners are armed and hundreds are killed each year in riots and gang fights.

A month-long siege occurred in 2011 at El Rodeo prison, just outside the capital of Caracas, when 22 died before some 5,000 soldiers restored order.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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NY Post's Clinton cover: 'No Wonder Bill's Afraid'

Thursday's New York Post cover.

The New York Post took an interesting approach to Hillary Clinton's congressional testimony on the attack in Benghazi, blasting a photo of the secretary of state with fists clenched alongside a headline that screams, "No Wonder Bill's Afraid."

We're not sure what former President Bill Clinton has to do with Clinton's testimony, but the Post features his photo in the corner of the arguably sexist cover, as well. His face appears beside the words: "The lady has some temper! Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton came out breathing fire yesterday at a congressional hearing where pols ripped her handling of the Benghazi debacle."

On Wednesday, Clinton raised her voice and banged her fists against the table for emphasis after Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin questioned her aggressively about the department's actions following the killing of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012. Republicans have criticized the Obama administration for at first suggesting that the attack could have been borne out of a spontaneous protest sparked by an anti-Islam video.

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans," Clinton responded, suggesting that Johnson was focused on unimportant semantics. "Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

During the hearing Clinton was also questioned as to why requests for more security at the complex were ignored by midlevel State Department officials, among other things.


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How Many (Non-Spam) Emails do You Get Each Day?

Walter Glenn
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How Many (Non-Spam) Emails do You Get Each Day?Email is still the most efficient means of communication for a majority of businesses and for many types of personal communications as well. How much do you receive?

Email overload is a common complaint and one we often address here at Lifehacker. We've shared tools like Inbox Pause and Boomerang, both of which can help you manage your inbox better. We've also talked about techniques like archiving or deleting mails that don't immediately feel important. And if you want even more, you can check out our top ten tricks for dealing with email overload.

But now, we'd like to know:

Images by dencg (Shutterstock).


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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hillary Clinton hits back on Benghazi criticisms

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pounds her fist on her table during a contentious exchange about Benghazi with??In one of her last acts as America?s top diplomat, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hit back hard Wednesday at fierce Republican criticisms over the deadly Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. Clinton, delivering long-awaited congressional testimony, alternately choked up, pounded the table in anger, laughed and offered clinical replies while vowing to do her utmost to prevent similar tragedies in the future as she was hammered by combative Republicans.

"You let the consulate become a death trap, and that?s national security malpractice," Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) said during the afternoon House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing. He asked Clinton to define what taking responsibility for the attack means to her.

"I think I've made that very clear, congressman," Clinton responded testily.

Duncan added that the American people felt mislead by the way the administration handled the dissemination of information surrounding the attacks?a comment that had been repeated throughout the day of hearings, which started in the morning when Clinton appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Clinton also faced repeated criticism from some on the House Foreign Affairs Committee for not being interviewed by the Accountability Review Board investigating the attack.

"I think that?s outrageous," Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., said after questioning why Clinton was not interviewed.

"I was not asked to speak," Clinton responded, adding that she would have been "happy to ... if they thought I was relevant."

Earlier in the day, Clinton said to the Foreign Relations Committee, ?For me, this is not just a matter of policy?it?s personal."

Her voice broke as she recalled welcoming home the ?flag-draped caskets? of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans killed in the terrorist strike at the compound, and putting her arms around bereaved family members.

And she hit the witness table with her fist several times during a contentious exchange with Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, who accused President Barack Obama?s administration of misleading Americans by initially saying the attack grew out of a protest against an Internet video mocking Islam. There was no such demonstration, as officials later acknowledged. Johnson said, ?We were misled.?

?With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest? Or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they?d go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make,? Clinton scolded Johnson, raising her voice. ?It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.?

And Clinton criticized Congress throughout Wednesday's hearings, calling on lawmakers to authorize department funding?something she said the Senate was capable of when she served as a New York senator?as well as approve new rules that would allow personnel to be fired in the absence of a "breach of duty."

Democrats repeatedly made what they probably considered sly allusions to speculation that Clinton will run for president come 2016. Sen. Robert Menendez predicted, ?You will not go gently from the world stage,? and Sen. Barbara Boxer said, ?You will be sorely missed?but I, for one, hope not for too long.?

Even some Republicans joined in on 2016 talk.

"I wish you the best in your future endeavors ... mostly," Ohio Republican Rep. Steve Chabot said during the House committee hearing, drawing laughter from Clinton herself and other hearing attendees.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton responds forcefully to intense questioning on the September attack on the U.S.??

Clinton, whose department has drawn heavy fire over the insufficient security arrangements at the American compound in Benghazi, also praised diplomatic security officials. ?I literally trust them with my life," she said during the Senate hearing. And she repeatedly denied being aware of numerous requests for more security in Benghazi. "I didn't see those requests," Clinton added.

Senate committee Republicans seized on that admission. Sen. John McCain, in his first hearing as a member of the panel, drew a chuckle from Clinton when he described her as being "as combative as ever" and an appreciative nod as he declared, "we are proud of you" and underlined "you are viewed with admiration and respect." But the Arizona lawmaker quickly got down to business.

He described Clinton's answers as "not satisfactory to me" and scolded the administration for its evolving explanation about who carried out the attack. Americans "don't deserve false answers," he said. "You oughta have your facts straight."

Republican Sen. Rand Paul, making his maiden appearance, was blunter, charging that the fact that Clinton had not been more personally involved had "cost lives."

Paul said, "Had I been president at the time and I found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi, you did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, I would have relieved you of your post. I think it's inexcusable."

Clinton said anew that she accepted responsibility for the tragedy.

The secretary of state also said that American diplomats overseas cannot hide behind higher walls and more armed guards. ?Our men and women who serve overseas understand that we accept a level of risk to protect the country we love,? she said. ?They represent the best traditions of a bold and generous nation. They cannot work in bunkers and do their jobs.?

She rebuked those who may advocate that the U.S. take a more limited role on the world stage at a time when the ?Arab Spring? has sown chaos across North Africa and the Muslim world. ?We cannot afford to retreat now,? she said.

?When America is absent, especially from unstable environments, there are consequences," Clinton said. "Extremism takes root, our interests suffer, our security at home is threatened.?

Clinton also appeared to confirm that those behind the attacks have not yet been captured.

?We continue to hunt the terrorists responsible for the attacks in Benghazi and are determined to bring them to justice,? she said during the Senate hearing.

Among Clinton?s more notable?and chilling?other comments: Islamist fighters around the region are now equipped with heavy weapons seized from unsecured Libyan arsenals after the fall of strongman Moammar Gadhafi. Critics of the NATO-led campaign to help rebels topple him had warned of the prospect that his arsenals would fall into extremist hands.

That proliferation is ?the source of one of our biggest threats? in the region, Clinton said. The American mission in Benghazi was trying to ?track down and find and recover? weapons like missiles that can bring down an airplane, she said. But there is ?no doubt," she added, that the extremists who carried out a bloody hostage-taking in Algeria, members of Al-Qaida in the Maghreb (AQIM) in Mali and fighters in Syria all had arms from Libya.

?We just have to do a much better job,? she said.

Clinton also told lawmakers that the U.S. ?cannot confirm? claims by Algeria?s government that the hostage-takers had also taken part in the attack on Benghazi. And she warned that some 20 American diplomatic facilities face what she described as a serious threat environment.

The secretary of state had been expected to testify in December, but suffered a concussion in a fall at her home while recovering from a stomach bug, then needed treatment for a blood clot near her brain. She had taken questions from lawmakers on the issue once before, but Republicans complained that she had not shared much information.

Clinton appeared one day before Democratic Sen. John Kerry goes before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he used to chair for a confirmation hearing to succeed her as secretary of state. Democratic Sen. Menendez, Kerry?s successor, leads both hearings.

The Sept. 11 attack raised new questions about Obama?s handling of the ?Arab Spring? uprisings that toppled authoritarian regimes in places like Egypt and Libya. It also triggered a months-long battle over how the administration handled repeated requests from Stevens for more security and then explained the tragedy to the American public.

Most notably, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice withdrew her name from consideration to be Clinton?s successor in the face of Republican opposition. Rice went on major Sunday news shows one week after the attack in Benghazi and, relying on administration-approved talking points, described it as emerging from a protest against an Internet video that ridicules Islam. There was no such demonstration.

Clinton told the committee on Wednesday that she had not been consulted on the decision to make Rice?who was an expert in neither embassy security issues nor Libya? the official in charge of updating Americans on the tragedy. But she defended Rice. "People have accused Ambassador Rice and the administration of misleading Americans," she noted. "Nothing could be further from the truth."

Some of the anger has fizzled, sapped by contentious congressional hearings and a scathing report commissioned by Clinton that faulted the State Department for its handling of repeated requests from Stevens for more security. That report also refuted media reports that the administration chose not to send in troops that might have been able to save Stevens and his colleagues.

Rachel Rose Hartman contributed to this story.


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