Thursday, August 2, 2012

Live Green With Tava Tea-The Best Organic Green Tea Used For ...

Live Green With Tava Tea-100% Organic Green Tea Used For Fat Reduction

Even though it may look like that Tava Tea wellness blend is like any other tea on the market, it has severala few attributes that the others do not. Similar to Earl Grey and Darjeeling teas, Sencha, Oolong and Puerh have been around for a very long time and considered great for one?s health. The Chinese people have been using Sencha, Puerh and Oolong for well over 500 years. With the remarkable blend of these three teas, Tava Tea possesses many essential nutrients thus a lot of people believe Tava Tea to be a one of a kind tea.

One of the substances that makes green tea such a heathly drink is Catechin, which is a type of Polyphenol, an important antioxidant. Sencha has very high amounts of Catechin. Polyphenol antioxidants come in several forms but the most beneficial is catechin. Green tea contains a huge quantity of one very strong type of Catechin referred to as Epigallocatechin gallate. Part of living greener is to utilize products that are not merely great for the environment but enhances your health as well.

Tava Tea is well regarded not just for weight loss but to help restore the body to a healthy state as well. It has been clinically established that Tava Tea can help bring down the amount of body of fat while balancing levels of cholesterol. There are numerous benefits to drinking Tava Tea, such as digesting your food easier, decreasing the amount of bloating, and burning up twice as many calories as the regular green tea. It?s likewise shown to lessen the effects of ingesting carbs. By drinking the tea 15 before eating a carbohydrate will reduce the amount of insulin that is produced, helping you not gain weight.

Serious diseases like coronary heart disease, cancer and other various chronic conditions are caused by free radicals which hurt the body at the cellular level. Another key ingredient of this green tyea type is an amino acid referred to as L-theanine, which has been shown to relax the body and mind. L-theanine has been found to increase alpha brain wave activity, maximizing the output of Serotonin and Dopamine, which are tranquilizing neurotransmitters.

A study was conducted where a group of adult males and females consumed Wuyi Cliff Oolong green tea blend for fifteen days. The results of the study displayed an amazing 50% reduction of free radicals. Decreasing free radicals in your body is a crucial point in retarding aging. Consuming as much as two cups of Wu Long tea on a daily basis, you decrease your chances of developing of heart problems by at least 26%. Perhaps you are not into green living by being an environmentalist, but you must be into green living when it is aboutrelates to your health.

One simple thing you can do to improve your health is to consume green tea every day. The best green tea you can find is Tava Tea. Aside from all the health benefits, Tava Tea has a six month money back guarantee. Numerous companies offer free trials but in majority of cases, they are scams since they get you signed up for automatic monthly charges. To achieve great health, start taking in Tava Tea, the green tea considered to be the healthiest tea right now.

Tags: green living, greener live, healty living, living, tava tea, tea, wu long tea


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