Saturday, August 11, 2012

The rates of colorectal cancer on the rise around the world ...

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and the third most common cancer among women worldwide. However, these studies have used old data and discussed regional trends and country-specific. The new study, conducted by the American Cancer Society epidemiologist Melissa Center, MPH, examined the incidence of colorectal cancer data from 51 cancer registries in the world, with data on long-term impact of cancer incidence in five continents database created by the International Agency for Research on Cancer . The researchers analyzed changes in incidence rates over the past 20 years, 1983-1987 through 1998-2002.Cravings are a complex mix of physiological, psychological, hormonal and environmental issues, said Heller.

The researchers also found significant variations in the incidence of regional and ethnic colorectal cancer trends in countries such as Japan, Israel and Singapore. The United States was the only country where the incidence of colorectal cancer has decreased in both males and females.

The authors say that the increase of cancer of the colon and rectum in economic transition may reflect the adoption of Western lifestyles and behaviors. Many of the factors and suspected modifiable risk for colorectal cancer, including obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, a diet rich in red meat or processed, and low fruit and vegetables, factors associated with economic development or westernization.

The authors say male colorectal cancer incidence rates in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Japan, and not only have passed the peak incidence observed in the United States and other long-developed countries, but continue to increase.

Posted in medical news

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