Saturday, February 23, 2013

Misdemeanor pot charge dropped against Florida CB Loucheiz Purifoy

CBS Eye iconEyeOn

College Football

By Chris Huston | Blogger/Heisman Pundit

The state attorney's office in Florida has decided to drop misdemeanor marijuana possession charges against Gators starting cornerback Loucheiz Purifoy, The Gainesville Sun reported on Thursday.

Purifoy, a rising junior, was cited on Feb. 6 after a traffic stop for possessing less than 20 grams of pot. However, the charges will now go away due to a lack of evidence.

"He never had any marijuana on him, therefore he was not guilty of possession of marijuana," said Huntley Johnson, Purifoy's attorney.

Purifoy started 12 games and was fourth on the team in tackles with 51 in 2012.

Tags: Loucheiz Purifoy, Florida Gators, NCAAF


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