Friday, February 1, 2013

Spies under cover as Thieves

Spies under cover as Thieves

Looking for Male 1x1 RP. Two teens (can be older) are raised with their dad to become the top spies of the world.


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I'd be interest in playing as the boy if possible. I'll have a character sent in as soon as I can.

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Captain Obvious
Member for 1 years

I'll be sending a characters sheet in as well, I'm not passing this chance up!

Sorry if I actually sent a few characters in, I might not have but if I did it was because I actually messed up quite a bit there.

I know I did send in a few different characters actually, sorry about that I messed up but you should be able to just decline them.

Last edited by FreeRunner on Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Well, I have a guy now, BUT I realized that I have no one to play the dad, Caleb D: But if you, Captain Obvious, would like to take this role instead I'll accept it. His sheet follows same as the boy's, so no realy change, except he's older and stronger/wiser (and in charge)

But yes, thanks both for coming and applying.

And we'll have to sort out everything here, I suspect >>

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Nah, that's alright. Thanks anyways though.

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Captain Obvious
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Alright then ^^ Pleased to have met you by the way! :)

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I saw, FreeRunner XD no harm, it made me chuckle a bit. :) Okay so. I'm not sure how to do PM juuuust yet (sending notes. I get them. Can't send them? *shrug) so we'll hash it out here ^^

Okay so, what would you like to know about the plot first? Or is there anything you want cleared up?

And how would you like to start, with them on a case or...?

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I think that you need 10 forum posts before you can PM, if you are new then that is the thing.

I have a few questions and a suggestion, questions first I guess :) Is the story character based or are you making it up as you go along or have you planned the plot? Also is this a RP we are going to flex out over time and keep it going for a while because I am looking for a permanent RP one on one so I thought this would be a good one to keep :D

(Edited in) One quick question, is there a minimum/maximum word count needed for posts? I can do medium and long but short is bleh >.<

I would like to start on a job like a hostage situation or anything of the such, if you want :)

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Well shit, guess a headache cost me this one. :c

Have fun~

In my hands, the means. In my heart, the will. -

Kira's thoughts before his first kill.

Righteously, he became a god among all.

But in the end, even gods fall.

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