Sunday, April 28, 2013

Grandparenting 101 ? Observations From The Other Side ...

DISCLAIMER: ?This is not entirely based on my own experience but on many poolside & patio conversations with friends and fellow parents. Some of it is, however, personal. ?

I?ll probably pay for this one. ?I?ll be written out of wills. ?And I hate that because I was so looking forward to being able to slather on the leftover cold cream that is probably bequeathed to me by my in-laws. ?But Grandparent?s Day??can we just cut to the heart of what this is all about, o ye school districts, both public and private? ?Grandparent?s Day is a day set aside to honor the grandparents of children in said school districts by sucking up to them with such sweetness and adoration that they will feel the urge to get out their checkbooks and donate thousands of dollars or buy a stack of books at the ?not-coincidentally-simultaneously-held? book fair that is so heavy they have to make two trips to their Cadillac sedan just to get them home with the child. ?This is just a sneaky way of getting grandparents to spend thousands, with the annoying added benefit of cluttering up the kid?s home & pissing off his parents.

My child? ?My sweet little boy who DOES love his grandparents very, very much & even enjoys a good stack of books? ?BOYCOTTED GRANDPARENT?S DAY. And I let him. ?He?s no dummy. ?When teachers tell the children, ?After your performance & lunch with Granny, your grandparents have the option of taking you home?, my kid hears, ?There is absolutely no point in going to school today.? ?He?s probably right & so he is home. ?My mom took it quite well, I?ll give her that. I?m sure she was disappointed because she loves my kids and loves being there for them. ?Lately though, I?ve been wanting to bitch about grandparenting and the image versus the reality, so today Grandparent?s Day is providing me with that jumping off point.

Sometimes I get frustrated with my kids and I complain to Chuck, ?This shit would have never happened on the Brady Bunch. ?Those Brady kids would never pull a stunt like this.? ?Or, ?Carol & Mike would sooo know how to handle this situation. ?What are we doing wrong???? ?Chuck then pulls out the ?You do know the Brady Bunch wasn?t realistic, right?? ?I come back with ?Of course it was realistic. ?The Brady grandparents made ONE appearance on the wedding episode & after that did you EVER see them come get those kids so Mike & Carol could have a weekend of hot, uninterrupted sex? ?No. Never. They got dressed up, were there for the big event & then they were gone. ?THAT shit is real.? ?(It?s also quite possible they knew Mike Brady was gay.)

Perhaps I?m jaded, because as a child I lived in the same house with my grandma and great-grandma. ?I lived behind my best friend who had older siblings with children and those kids were over at grandma?s constantly. ?The grandparents embraced it and wanted it that way. ?I see a HUGE difference in what grandparenting used to be and what it is now. ?The problem is that many (& I repeat MANY, not all) of the grandparents still want to do what I call ?walk the grandparenting runway? ?- grandkids in tow, dressed to the nines, waving the wave to their fellow lunch lady grandmas so they can then gloat that ??these are our grandkids?..aren?t they beautiful??.they make such high grades??.they are so good at sports??.? ?YET, when it?s time to do the dirty work and take over for a weekend so the parents can escape, they suddenly have work to do, parties to attend, etc.

My dad gets a pass on this one because he is generously keeping the children Labor Day weekend so we can escape for our 20th anniversary. ?He didn?t even have to be coaxed! ?BUT, herein lies the difference in my dad keeping the kids and many of today?s grandparents: ?While we are gone, unless it?s a serious emergency, we will not hear from him. ?He will handle what comes his way and should he have a legitimate question like, ?Where in the hell do y?all hide the extra toilet paper??, he will send us a text. ?Unless he?s already sitting on the toilet and then we may get a call. ?If the kids fight, he doesn?t call us. He handles it. ?Every little thing is not an emergency. ?Never during the trip or after we return does he feel the need to tell us every little transgression that transpired in our absence. ?He doesn?t greet us with 100 concerns over how the kids dress, talk, text, play video games, treat one another, treat him, treat the dog, bathe improperly, eat too little, eat too much, are rude, are lazy, etc. ?We get NONE of that, because he understands his role is to be their grandparent and friend, not their parent and prison warden. ?And most importantly, he does NOT shower them with gifts to win their love and approval. ?He just treats them like kids he could not be prouder of and they can tell he just loves being part of their lives. He will reprimand them if necessary, like a good grandparent should, but he is not constantly preaching to them & criticizing all that they do. ?So??.that said, I feel the urge to come to the aid of other grandparents or grandparents-to-be & list some advice for you. ?Trust me when I say this will not only help your relationship with the grandkids, but your kids too! ?And trust me when I say that I?m glad I won?t need to depend on an inheritance in my elder years, because I?m screwed. ?But seriously, some tips:

1) If you have grandkids, I can logically assume you had children. ?You got to choose their names. ?Your kids get to choose their kid?s names. ?Do not offer suggestions or assistance. Do not take it personally if your kid doesn?t name one of his after you. ?It doesn?t mean they hate you. ?They just hate your name, Gertrude. ?And for God?s sake, do not tell your kids how much you dislike their choice of names. ?Even if they picked something like Nakkole, Zephyr, or Stump. ?As PAINFUL as it will be to watch them write a ridiculous spelling such as Gynniphyr on that birth certificate, it?s really none of your business. ?(I fully realize I will have trouble with this one day should it happen to me. Yes, ?I realize that. I?m saving these to refer to in my own grandparenting years.)

2) Do not attempt to influence how your children dress their kids. ?I was never a frills and bows sort of girl and I didn?t really want my kids to be that way. Yes, even my daughter. As a child, it was, at times, forced upon me and I hated it with a passion. ?I also never wanted a bow on my daughter?s head that would be visible on Google Street View. ?Easter bonnets were terribly humiliating to me and I did not want one on my own child unless she wanted one. ?Do not try to buy your grandkids clothing that reflects YOUR taste and then get mad when the parent doesn?t make the kid wear it. ?As a side note, on one side of our family there seems to be a notion that if your children are given something to wear and you don?t put them in it and line them up for a portrait, you are being disrespectful. ?This is not true. ?Disrespect is doing something you know your child or ?child-in-law? doesn?t like and then pouting because you didn?t get your way.

3) Honor the wishes of your children in how they raise your grandkids unless they go totally freaking bonkers with Scientology or become Wiccan. ?What I?m referring to here is simple stuff. ?If they don?t want their kids to have sugar, respect that. ?If they insist in making their kids sit in car seats and wear seat belts, respect that even if your own children ?BY GOD, ?SURVIVED STANDING IN THE FRONT SEAT & TAKING NAPS IN THE BACK OF THE STATION WAGON!? ?Also, I might point out, it?s the law.

4) This may be the most important one yet. ?Respect who your grandchildren are. ?Do not try to make them what you want them to be. ?My daughter is one of the most independent, spirited kids I know. ?She was never a girly-girl, never wanted to learn traditional girl things like sewing and cooking, enjoyed being alone & had her own tastes. ?Respect and in fact, EMBRACE THAT, even if it?s not what you envisioned your grandchild being. ?Can I shout this one from the rooftops?

5) Do not say things about your grandkids based on speculation, not fact. ?This has been a huge issue in our marriage/parenting. ?I could write a whole book on how the townspeople where I grew up thought I was spoiled. ?As a result, we have relatives who immediately thought that my child would be overly indulged and turn out to be a spoiled brat. ?It has been assumed that because my daughter gets to go to Italy on a senior trip that she is spoiled. ?No one seems to take into account that she works her little butt off babysitting during the school year, works at the pool in the summer and has earned it by being a wonderful kid who made us proud all 18 years of her life. ?We have never once told her she has to work; she just chooses to. It bothers me that she doesn?t get respected for that. ?Those same relatives assume that my kids are crazy about my dad because he ?buys them stuff?. ?This has never been further from the truth. ?I can?t remember the last thing my dad bought my kids that wasn?t for a birthday or Christmas. He does slip them a $5 or $10 bill now and then because, ?A feller oughta have a little money in his pocket.? ?So the gist of this one is really, ?Mind your own business, don?t make assumptions and keep your mouth shut.?

6) ?Realize that times have changed and circumstances are different than when you raised your kids. ( i.e. This ain?t the 70?s!) We get constantly criticized because we do not force all the kids to attend family gatherings. ?Hell, we get criticized if WE don?t attend all the family gatherings. ?Things have changed, people. ?Schools are not as lax about kids being absent. OR, we may choose to put baseball first that weekend because our child made an obligation to his team and coach when he agreed to be part of that team & it?s not fair for him to not be there for them. ?Our kids grew up in the city with friends all around and things to do & they may not want to go spend 4 days in a town of 1,800 that, and I quote, ?DOESN?T EVEN HAVE A McDONALD?S!? ?There is no need to take it personally, but if you constantly criticize a child, chances of them wanting to spend time with you decrease greatly.

7) Understand that once your children are married that they have AT LEAST two families to consider now & sometimes with re-marriage, 3 or 4. ?Sometimes you are the one that there isn?t time for on a holiday and PLEASE consider the stress it puts on your kids when you make them feel guilty about choosing. ?This one is basically a ?Put your big girl ? or boy ? panties on & realize you don?t always get your way.?

8)?If you take your grandkid to the movie, buy him popcorn. ?If you take him to the County Fair, let him play games. ?If you take him to the town festival, buy him a snowcone. ?It?s the little things. ?Chances are, if you could afford admission, you can get him a treat. ?This is not spoiling your grandchild. ?This is avoiding looking like an asshat in his eyes. ?Otherwise, just don?t go. ?Would you rather them remember that you bought them a grape snowcone or would you rather them remember that you were to cheap to buy one?

9)?Don?t go the guilt trip route, ever. ?With kids or grandkids.

10) ?FINALLY, just enjoy them. ?Stop worrying about perfecting them and just enjoy them.

You?re welcome. ?Or not. ?Your choice :-)

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Monaeo Tracks Company Employees For Location Based Tax Information To Prevent Needless Auditing

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

UK designers Westwood, Hamnett join campaign to save bees

LONDON (Reuters) - Top British fashion designers Vivienne Westwood and Katharine Hamnett joined bee campaigners outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Friday to urge the government to support a proposed European Union (EU) ban on pesticides which harm bees.

Britain is currently one of a group of countries blocking attempts to introduce a Europe-wide ban on the world's most widely used insecticides, neonicotinoids, arguing their impact on bees is unclear.

A vote takes place in Brussels on April 29 on whether to ban the poisons on flowering crops.

"If there's any chance that they're killing the bees as a precautionary measure they need to be banned," Hamnett, who has campaigned against pesticides for decades, told Reuters TV.

"The British government is committing political suicide I think by not supporting this ban."

Britain, Germany and three other countries abstained from a vote earlier this year.

Hamnett questioned whether this was because two major pesticide companies, Germany's Bayer and Swiss company Syngenta, which has operations in Britain, are lobbying against the ban, saying the impact of pesticides on bees is unproven.

"Are they in bed with Syngenta or Bayer or are they just stupid?" said Hamnett.

The companies have proposed a plan which includes planting more flowering margins around fields to provide bee habitats, monitoring to detect the neonicotinoid pesticides blamed for the decline, and research into the impact of parasites and viruses.

The fashion duo then handed in a petition to Prime Minister David Cameron's Downing Street office, urging the government to put environmental concerns ahead of pressure from the agribusiness lobby.

"Why is government supporting big business because it doesn't help people at all? What is good for the planet is good for the economy," said Westwood.

Bees are currently suffering a sharp decline and colony collapse due to a variety of reasons.

Campaigners argue that bees are crucial for the planet as they perform a vital role in pollinating crops and their disappearance will have catastrophic effects on the world.

They want pre-emptive action taken on banning pesticides while more research is carried out to fully assess how seriously pesticides affect bees.

"This could become a really serious problem. There are parts of China where they have to pollinate fruit trees by hand because they have wiped out their insects through overuse of chemicals," said Quentin Gibon who joined the protest wearing a bee costume.

Earlier this year EU governments failed to agree a ban on three widely used pesticides linked to the decline of honeybees, but the European Commission is threatening to force such a ban through unless member states agree a compromise next week.

(Reporting by Georgina Cooper of Reuters Television, Editing by Belinda Goldsmith)


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Friday, April 26, 2013

Even After Hacks And Bombings, Privacy Advocates Have Big Week In Congress

640px-United_States_Capitol_west_front_edit2 (1)In light of the AP’s?high-profile Twitter hacking and a vicious domestic bombing, Americans have not let fear derail privacy legislation. Just this week, the Senate advanced an anti-email snooping law and the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is reportedly on its way to the grave. It appears that the burden of proof has shifted to proponents of government surveillance, and they’ve been conspicuously silent about how spying will keep Americans safe. Two Bills CISPA, which gives immunity to Internet companies for sharing sensitive data with law enforcement, will reportedly not be taken up for a vote in the Senate. “We’re not taking [CISPA] up,” a representative from the Senate’s Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation told US News, “Staff and senators are divvying up the issues and the key provisions everyone agrees would need to be handled if we’re going to strengthen cybersecurity. They’ll be drafting separate bills.” After wavering support from Facebook and other high-profile Internet companies, the White House threatened to veto the bill over privacy concerns, most likely related to ambiguous definitions of what constitutes a cyber “threat” and how agencies would be kept honest. ECPA Reform – The 1970′s law that permits security agencies to access emails opened or older than 180 days, is on its way to a privacy upgrade. Designed before users kept their email indefinitely in the cloud (i.e. Gmail), a few high-level privacy breaches, including the unearthing of General David Petraeus’s romantic affair, have created overwhelming demand to overhaul the antiquated law. Today, an amendment to require a warrant before reading emails was voted on by voice, which means there wasn’t even enough opposition among the Judiciary committee members for a debate. Staff members inside the House of Representatives, where the bill will go if it passes the senate, tell me that there also isn’t much opposition to the reforms on their side of Congress, and that a bill by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CrunchGov Grade: A) could very well be combined with the Senate’s version for a streamlined change (yes, occasionally things are efficient in Congress). Why Not? Even after the AP’s Twitter account was hacked to spread a rumor about an explosion at the White House and two American men successfully detonated bombs at the Boston Marathon, there’s no reason to believe that either CISPA or ECPA?would have kept Americans safer. Even President Obama’s freak-everyone-out op-ed last year


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Amanda Bynes shaves half of her head

By Drusilla Moorhouse, TODAY contributor

Amanda Bynes' bizarre behavior (don't call it erratic!) has been tabloid fodder for years now, and the former child star has been fanning the flames on her personal Twitter account.

Her hair has been the subject of many rants, including an early April gripe that a salon damaged her locks?so badly that she had to shave her head. ?

She proved she did just that on Thursday, showing off her buzzed scalp in a series of selfies.

"I buzzed half my head like (pop star Cassie)!" she tweeted, along with a grinning emoticon.

The 27-year-old starlet didn't go full Britney -- can anyone forget Spears' 2007 meltdown in a Tarzana hair salon? Blond, wavy locks still cascade from the crown of Bynes' head.

"This is the new me!" Bynes added. "I love it!"

Do you love Amanda's new look? Tell us on our Facebook page.


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CA-NEWS Summary

Many trapped in Bangladesh building rubble as toll tops 220

SAVAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Survivors from a garment factory that collapsed in Bangladesh killing at least 228 people described on Thursday a deafening bang and tremors before the eight-floor building crashed down under them. Many more of the mostly female workers were still feared trapped in the rubble more than 24 hours after the disaster, which has brought renewed attention to Western firms who use Bangladesh as a source of low cost goods.

Iran says it's ready to resume talks with world powers

GENEVA (Reuters) - Iran is ready to resume talks with world powers on its disputed nuclear program and awaits word from the European Union on timing and details, Iran's deputy nuclear negotiator said on Thursday. Ali Bagheri, in an interview with Reuters in Geneva, said Iran needed 20 percent-enriched uranium for its Tehran research reactor and four others being built, and was continuing to convert some of its stockpile into reactor fuel.

Sharp rise in EU terror attacks and deaths in 2012: Europol

PARIS (Reuters) - The terrorism threat in Europe remains elevated, with a quarter more attacks in the European Union in 2012 than in the previous year, pan-European police force Europol said on Thursday. The annual terrorism report published by Europe's crime-fighting agency, coming less than two weeks after the bombings in Boston, identified 219 completed or failed attacks in 2012 in EU-member states, the majority in France and Spain.

U.N. Security Council approves creation of Mali peacekeeping force

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved on Thursday the creation of a 12,600-strong peacekeeping force in Mali starting July 1, which will be supported by French troops if needed to combat Islamist extremist threats in the West African country. France, aided by some 2,000 troops from Chad, began a military offensive in January to drive out Islamist fighters, who had hijacked a revolt by Mali's Tuareg rebels and seized two-thirds of Mali.

Letta sees improving chances of forming Italy government

ROME (Reuters) - Prime Minister-designate Enrico Letta saw "improving" chances of success as he began negotiations on Thursday to form a new government and end a nearly two-month-old stalemate in the euro zone's third-largest economy. The 46-year-old deputy head of the badly fractured center-left Democratic Party (PD), was the President Giorgio Napolitano's surprise choice to head a broad-based coalition.

Friends of Tunisian accused in Canada plot express shock

TUNIS (Reuters) - For the friends of Chiheb Esseghaier, the news that the Tunisian-born student had been arrested over an alleged al Qaeda-backed plot to derail a train in Canada came as something of a surprise. They remembered him during his time in the Tunisian capital as an ordinary student, certainly no Islamist extremist, but perhaps somewhat naive and easily led.

South Korea seeks talks with North to reopen industrial zone

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea proposed formal talks on Thursday with North Korea to discuss restarting a joint factory zone located just north of the rivals' heavily armed border that was suspended in early April, sharply deepening security tensions on the peninsula. It was the first formal proposal aimed at making a breakthrough in a deadlock over the Kaesong factory project, which was the last remaining channel open between the two Koreas until it was forced to close.

Father of Boston bomb suspects plans U.S. trip to bury son

MAKHACHKALA, Russia (Reuters) - The father of two men suspected of carrying out the Boston bombings said on Thursday he would travel from Russia to the United States to bury his elder son. Anzor Tsarnaev and former wife Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, sitting side by side in the southern Russian city of Makhachkala, denied their sons had planted the bombs at the Boston marathon which killed three people and wounded 264, saying they had been framed.

Kurdish militants to begin withdrawal from Turkey in May

QANDIL MOUNTAINS, Iraq (Reuters) - Rebel Kurdish field commander Murat Karayilan ordered his fighters to begin withdrawing from Turkish soil within two weeks and rebase in the mountains of northern Iraq as part of a peace plan with Ankara to end a three-decades-old conflict. The pullout, negotiated by Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) chief Abdullah Ocalan jailed on a prison island near Istanbul, offers the best chance yet of settlement of a war that has killed over 40,000 and battered the Turkish economy.

Nearly 50 killed as sectarian violence flares in Iraq

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - At least 15 policemen and 31 Sunni Islamist militants were killed in clashes on Thursday in the northern city of Mosul, sources said, on the third day of the most widespread violence in Iraq since U.S. troops withdrew in December 2011. Gunmen attacked Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, on Wednesday night and seized western parts of the city after using a mosque loudspeaker to rally Sunnis to join the battle.


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    Sprint retail locations to see Samsung Galaxy S4 delays

    Sasmsung Galaxy S4

    Though you'll still be able to order the Samsung Galaxy S4 from Sprint online starting Saturday, finding one in stores will be tough. 

    We just got a note from Sprint saying that though they're still aiming to have the Samsung Galaxy S4 available for sale online and over the phone starting this upcoming Saturday as originally planned, retail and other channels may be a little behind. 

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    Thursday, April 25, 2013

    Artist ?Nanofactures? Paintings Using a 3D Printer and Molecular Modelling Software

    What does art look like in the age of "hacked matter," when anyone can print anything on-demand? That's the question Shane Hope, a California-based visual artist, is trying to answer. In "Nano-Nonobjective-Oriented Ontographs and Qubit-Built Quilts," his new show at Chelsea's Winkleman Gallery, Hope is showing a collection of amazingly intricate paintings, each containing thousands of individual 3D-printed models. More »


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