Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Internet Trends and Culture in Nigeria | Web Trends Nigeria

The internet and its usage have experienced a great development in Nigeria in recent years. The population of Nigeria welcomes internet and its usage. For example, in 2003 it was 1.61 million which grew to 1.77 million by the end of the 2004. The usage of internet in Nigeria has developed due to Microsoft Net Training
and urge of Nigeria population to have hold over information. The population that is found to be eager about using the internet is between 18 and 24. There are a number of cyber cafes that have developed at the heart of Nigeria.



Wireless Broadband accessible

The broadband access has been popular in Nigeria. The access to the broadband was confined to the usage of LAN. This made many people of Nigeria face difficulties to access to the internet outside the office or home. But with the use of new and latest technologies the wireless broadband is accessible at Nigeria. This has made the access to the internet very simple and easy outside the offices and homes.


ISPs Licensed

The ISPs i.e., Internet Service Providers at Nigeria are licensed to provide their services to the population. There are over 400 ISPs all over Nigeria and the internet services that they offer to the population are commendable. The population of Nigeria is also offered with similar quality services from the gateway operators, internet exchange, and data carriers. The availability of all these services at Nigeria has helped the population from all the aspects related to internet.


VoIP and voice traffic

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. Nigeria has been using this service in bulk. There are many sectors and businesses where this service is highly utilized. The voice traffic of Nigeria is greatly benefited with this service and it helps Nigeria in maintaining international relations. The business world of Nigeria became successful in making and maintaining their international relations because of VoIP.


Internet and Journalism

The presence and the availability of internet at Nigeria have helped journalism to grow at a rapid pace. There are numerous websites that have developed in the Nigerian cyberspace. The aim of these websites is to make the happenings round the world available at the finger tips of the Nigerian population. Basically, the popular newspapers that are ruling in Nigeria first took this step. They started making their news available at their websites.


Blooming E-commerce sector

The e-commerce is the sector that has been blessed with the popularity of internet at the Nigeria. The e-commerce companies have made their products available online for sale. The Nigerian population has gladly accepted the growth of e-commerce companies at Nigeria. These companies have studied the need and the demand of the internet consumers and accordingly made their products available.


Author Bio

Claudia has been handling with Microsoft Net Training for several days now. She has gathered the required and necessary information on the internet trends in Nigeria. Her Blog is loaded with all the related information, follow me @ITdominus1.


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