Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lawyer: Accusations against US senator are false

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) ? A Dominican woman who once said in a video that she had sex with a New Jersey senator for money is now acknowledging that the allegation was false, according to a sworn statement released by a lawyer enmeshed in the scandal.

The attorney, Vinicio Castillo Seman, told reporters at a Monday press conference that the 23-year-old woman, identified as Nexis de los Santos, now claims in a sworn statement that she not only "never went to bed with" U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez but she never actually met him.

Castillo has been accused of hosting outings on his yacht in which the U.S. senator used the services of prostitutes. He has strongly denied the allegations and said he would seek a criminal investigation into the source of the reports.

On Monday, Castillo distributed copies of the woman's sworn statement to reporters. The woman did not attend.

According to Castillo, the 23-year-old woman claims that she and a friend were approached by another Dominican lawyer, Melanio Figueroa, who was allegedly responsible for mounting the accusations against Menendez. The two women recited the fabricated accusations on a video that was recorded without their consent, he said.

In Washington, Menendez told reporters that the accusations against him were "smears."

"I've always said that these are all false, they're smears, and so I look forward to seeing whatever the Dominican courts have that prove what I've said all along," Menendez said Monday.

Castillo, the son of a Dominican presidential adviser and the brother of a member of the country's Congress, has said he has known the U.S. senator for some 15 years and had never seen him with a prostitute. He said he's never hosted any parties involving prostitutes.

In the video released last year, the two women also claimed they had sex with Castillo and Dr. Salomon Melgen, a Florida eye doctor of Dominican descent who is a prominent Democratic campaign contributor and a major supporter of Menendez. De los Santos claims that those allegations are also fabricated.

Menendez's ties to Melgen have come under close scrutiny after an FBI raid early last month at the doctor's West Palm Beach, Florida, offices. Menendez has acknowledged flying on Melgen's private jet to the Dominican Republic twice and was compelled to reimburse $58,000 for the two flights that he had previously failed to report.

A watchdog group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, has said it had received emails starting in April 2012 alleging that Menendez used the services of prostitutes in the Dominican Republic. The emails came from someone identified as "Peter Williams," though that may be a pseudonym.

Just before Menendez's successful re-election last November, The Daily Caller, a conservative web site, published a story that included a video interview with two women who claimed to be prostitutes. The women ? whose faces were blurred in the video ? said Menendez paid them $100 for sex after agreeing to a fee of $500.

The Daily Caller did not immediately respond to emails and phone calls on Monday.


Associated Press writers Erica Werner and Henry C. Jackson contributed to this story from Washington.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/lawyer-accusations-against-us-senator-false-001703657.html

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