Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hiho, Hiho; Yo Yo Yo

I am, in a phrase, absolutely not new. I've not had a haitus to valiantly return from either. I come here, friends, because I've realized I've never posted a proper introduction; which is a great shame on me, verily, post hoc ergo propter hoc blah blah big words bullybull.

So then. On with that nonsense: WASSUP HOLMES, I'M WUDGEOUS, AND I AM ~*~*~FA-HA-HABULOUS.~*~*~ Folks have a-taken to calling me Wudge in my time here, which I don't mind in the least bit. I project the illusion of having an unGodly assertive online personality, which may or may not actually be an illusion. I think I'm hilarious!, but boring!, but fun to have around when you have no one better to do. I'm spontaneously honest--or as you may prefer to put it, blunt. Tch, tch, finger clicks, and coy winks, I guarantee you my opinion, especially when asked for it via direct means or via being undeservedly cocky. You've probably seen me around either being a huge asshole, or really, ridiculously, blush and vomit-inducingly sweet; because in-betweens and neutralities tend to make me feel like a raging coward and hypocrite, and I feel it's a prudent thing to share compliments and critiques every damned time it is deserved. I've established myself as the resident snowflake in every roleplay I'm in, because fuck me, I am beautiful.

More seriously, I'm vastly disappointed that I've gotten to get away running about the site with ^this^ attitude. C'mon, broski and brosettes. I want constructive crit, too, goddammit, son. I can't be perfect. Or can I

I don't believe in fictitious evil. Real world evil? Terrorists and rapists and high school shooters? Suuure, why not. Evil. The world has enough labels to get away with another. But fictitious evil is a cliche, and we can't have that. I can only name a few instances where I've heard "Mwahaha!" used seriously OR comically and not cringed into a ball of meatbag.

Good and proper characterizations are a big deal to me. I believe in the creation of life from nothing, and I believe it is superior to (or at least, deeply more satisfying than) the general "roleplayer = character" mindset. I'm still amazed how someone can create and manipulate a completely different personality from their own, a character, a life, in spite of its technical nonexistence in the real world. Even more amazing is when they do it well. So, I'm most prone to harping on like a harpy about insulting this creation of yours by making them suck. Fucking italics, man--ai'ght, let me stop doing that.

Let me list some of my absolute favorite characters here. It's limited because I haven't been around all that long, but this is a hall of fame, folks. Feel good if you recognize a name to be one of your young'ns, because I, o high and mighty I, deem them some of the best I've had the honor of encountering:

Ather, Liam (off-site)
Bishop, Charlie
Cimon, Lilith
Denarc-Ilhaba, Gavin (off-site)
Erasmus, Deus
Feldokov, Mona
(note: whoa I just checked--I had no idea Cypher played this Heevee guy. HI CYPHER! I liked him before I metcha, hahaa. HE IS ADORABLE.)
Jun (off-site)
Jurgend, Ada "Mutter" Victoria
Lavante, Sable
Parsnip, Barton Corallus (off-site)
Rorrim (off-site)
Sage, Amaryllis
Seamus "vessel of Sasalata"
Shirazi, Balthazar
Whitfield, Paragon "Tinker"

(Hey, if you know the owners of the off-site dudes, feel free to tell them they do good jobs! But don't tell them who sent you.)

Also, I've been enjoying a box of devil food cake donut holes lately, with the rainbow sprinkles. Ever tried it? Nummy-ass stuff. I think that's basically about all you'd be able to figure from internet!me judging from a single glance, yeah. I'd write up a tldr; to indicate some vague form of modesty, but surely you've become jaded to that old trick by now.

So, like, hi.


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