Monday, January 2, 2012

Surprise! Muslim Brotherhood won't recognize Israel, deputy leader says group will seek to cancel peace treaty

Remember that the Camp David Accords are not just about the State of Israel and Egypt, but first drag the Palestinian issue into conditions for peace. This is a built-in flaw and a tool of blackmail, and the Brotherhood is ready to exploit it: if they aren't happy with the Palestinian situation, Israel has violated the accords.

The deputy leader sounds prepared to throw the entire thing out the window, but the "pragmatists" of the broader Kiss Freedom and Justice Goodbye Party may work the aforementioned angle as well in order to leverage concessions. The Brotherhood's secretary general has indeed alleged in an earlier call to "review" the treaty that Israel has not "honored" the agreement.

"Muslim Brotherhood vows not to recognize Israel," from the Jerusalem Post, January 1:

When asked whether it is a requirement for the government in Egypt to recognize Israel, Bayoumi responded by saying: "This is not an option, whatever the circumstances, we do not recognize Israel at all. Its [Israel] an occupying criminal enemy."
The deputy leader stressed during the interview that no Muslim Brotherhood members would ever meet with Israelis for negotiations. "I will not allow myself to sit down with criminals."
Bayoumi went on to say that The Muslim Brotherhood would take legal procedures towards cancelling the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel that was signed in 1979. "The Brotherhood respects international conventions, but we will take legal action against the peace treaty with the Zionist entity," he told the paper.
At the beginning of December, Egypt's two leading Islamist parties won about two-thirds of votes for party lists in the second round of polling for a parliament that will help draft a new constitution after decades of autocratic rule. [...]
Parliament's prime job will be appointing a 100-strong assembly to write a new constitution which will define the president's powers and parliament's clout in the new Egypt.


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