Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Deathmatch Set in the Garden of Eden

It is part of the plot, but not necessarily a spoiler. Not only will humans have to fight each other and the environment around them, but they have to battle with their own sins at the same time. (More details on that part, however, WOULD be spoilers.) It's basically God's test to overcome everything around them, including degrees of temptation that brought the Fall of Man in the first place.

Even random contestant NPCs are going to be essential to this; they face racism, elitism, all kinds of discrimination -- cold-blooded murder, theft of even the poorest persons, active oppression of endless varieties. If it meant becoming the father or mother of Paradise itself, would they manage to redeem themselves of their past and present for their future? I'd consider this to be the central theme of the plot and events of the game, even if the characters themselves have no clue about it.

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