Saturday, June 2, 2012

Video: Obama campaign slams Romney?s record as Mass. gov.

>>> now to the campaign trail where things heated up with charges flying back and forth. here is our white house correspondent chuck todd .

>> as president obama attempted a moment of political civility, hosting his republican predecessor's portrait unveiling --

>> it's a great privilege to have you here today.

>> on opposite ends of the country, his chief political strategist and mitt romney were undergoing dueling stunts.

>> they were 47th in job creation.

>> the obama campaign traveled to mass nasz for a press conference to slam romney 's record as a one-term governor.

>> romney economics didn't work then and it won't work now.

>> broken record.

>> but given the close proximity to romney 's headquarters in boston, david axelrod was knocked off message by a vocal group of romney volunteers. a few hours later, the romney campaign had a stunt of their own to unveil. the solar power plant obama visited two years ago after his company rewarded a half million dollars. to prevent their being upstaged they kept the visit top secret until the last minute, not allowing traveling press to report on it publicly until the candidate arrived outside the company's headquarters.

>> it's a symbol of something very different today. it's a symbol not of success but of failure.

>> you know, matt, there's a reason that all of this is so personal and even petty right now in the campaign trail. the race is extremely close. we have these new nbc polls, you can find them on our website, dead heat .

>> on a nightly basis, we're going to see more of this at least for the next several weeks.

>> until the conventions, stunt afterstunt, desperate to get on television.

>> chuck todd , chuck, thank you very much.

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